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H.K.M. Moller Pillot De vogels van het Leijpark
veranderingen in de vogelwereld van 1974 tot 2014
Nederlands | 240 pagina's | [Looi ontwerperij], [Tilburg] | 2015
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H.K.M. Moller Pillot Chironomidae larvae of the Netherlands and adjacent lowlands
biology and ecology of the aquatic Orthocladiinae; Prodiamesinae, Diamesinae, Buchonomyiinae, Podonominae, Telmatogetoninae
Engels | 312 pagina's | KNNV Publishing, Zeist | 2013
Gedrukt boek
H.K.M. Moller Pillot Chironomidae larvae of the Netherlands and adjacent lowlands
biology and ecology of the Chironomini
Engels | 270 pagina's | KNNV Publishing, Zeist | 2009
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